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&Tilly x whikerms x BlauDisS - "Then She Ran"

&Tilly x whikerms x BlauDisS - "Then She Ran"

A collaboration between the Prague based &Tilly and the Washington based whikerms and BlauDisS has created an absolutely beautiful blend of organic instruments and voice with crisp electronic beats, synths and programming. Standing on the edge of ethereal and strongly resonant, &Tilly’s voice and production are emotionally rich - bobbing and weaving between the guitar lines and birch dry snap of electronic percussion. Fans of artists like Bibio, The American Dollar, Corwin Trails and 65daysofstatic and The Album Leaf should find a lot to love here. Of the musical content and video the press release states, “Then She Ran is just about that – her, running. From a deep or shallow, important or unimportant, beautiful or painful relationship, just when she's on the border of being really in it, but becomes unable to move forward or to enjoy what she has. At that exact moment, there it comes... the suffering, often self-induced or almost artificial, but at the same time, very real. And then, the moving on, the running away. Did she run because she had to? Or because she doesn't know how to stay?”

Gregory Paul Mineeff - "Words You Wish You Said"

Gregory Paul Mineeff - "Words You Wish You Said"

Keely Westwood - "Dark Red"

Keely Westwood - "Dark Red"