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Hereafter - Life is a Beautiful War

Hereafter - Life is a Beautiful War

On the 4th full-length from the Pennsylvania one-man band Post-Rock project, Hereafter moves from strength-to-strength in his pursuit of creating dynamic and emotionally relevant instrumental music. The 12 tracks on Life is a Beautiful War move from the atmospheric - weaving in synths and reverb-heavy guitar to thundering and incredibly heavy guitar parts that border on some of the more melodic low-ceilings of bands like Russian Circles or Isis. Bringing in guests - a new move for this one-person band - artists like Secret Gardens grace “Nowhere to Turn” while Pictures of Wild Life appear on “Metanoia” and Seabreather on “Introspection”. These new guests bring a new dimension to these tracks, creating twisting and turning guitar solos and incredibly fluid approaches to ambient flourishes throughout. The greatest strength of Hereafter and Life is a Beautiful War is the ability take the listener on a journey - an incredibly vast and dynamic journey that holds nothing back emotionally. These movements make the entire album such a powerful statement that we rarely see in this genre any more.

McDead - Mangledrone

McDead - Mangledrone

Santipreecha - "Dandelye"

Santipreecha - "Dandelye"