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Réverbérations d’une crise A Sound Inquiry on the Housing Crisis in Montreal

Réverbérations d’une crise A Sound Inquiry on the Housing Crisis in Montreal

There is a political act of paying attention. When it comes to large economic crisis’s that come from failed policies instituted under capitalism’s desperate attempt to keep the machine sputtering, musicians occupy a unique space of documenting what that crisis sounds like. As a social worker in the field of homelessness policy, these voices are utterly crucial for raise the awareness by paying close attention.

Montréal, January 18 2022 – Réverbérations d’une crise : A Sound Inquiry on Housing in Montreal uses the medium of sound to make often-neglected dimensions of the housing crisis perceptible. The album emerging from the project is a compilation of original pieces by a collective of sound artists tenants involving Aidan Girt (Godpseed You! Black Emperor), Hubert Gendron-Blais (ce qui nous traverse) and Stefan Christoff (Anarchist Mountains), among others.

While the social and economic impacts of the housing crisis are well documented, its many psychological, affective, relational and existential impacts often remain in the blind spot of current research. . The project Réverberations d’une crise: a sound inquiry on housing in Montreal postulates that paying attention to sound can bring a better understanding of this social and political issue and to act on it The project is carried out by a collective of Montreal tenants sharing certain practices in the field of music, sound art and media. Through a series of listening sessions, recordings, reflections, discussions and exercises over several months, the collective has been engaged in a process of inquiry and composition that is shared a podcast, a short video, and the present album. These different dimensions of the projects are gathered on the website https://reverberationscriselogement.org/en

Alix Tucou - "Music on Canvas"

Alix Tucou - "Music on Canvas"

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Missing Scenes - "lectreus"