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Saapato - "Morning Swale Song"

Saapato - "Morning Swale Song"

The New York based Saapato creates incredibly lush and deeply felt ambient music that extends beyond the interority of the self. Accodring to the press release, “Morning Swale Song” “is the first single from "On Fire Island." An album that follows Saapato's introspective journey into the heart of one of New York's most unique and vulnerable landscapes. Born from a residency with the National Park Service on the island, this album diverges from Principato's initial expectations of capturing avian melodies to instead embrace the raw, unyielding forces of wind, waves, and the whispering grasses that define Fire Island's rare and rapidly disappearing ecosystems.”

Holland Andrews - "Answers"

Holland Andrews - "Answers"

Dust Archive - "VS#1"

Dust Archive - "VS#1"