Tome to the Weather Machine

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Bedroom - "I'm Afraid I'm Just a Dream" / "It Happens Over and Over and Over Again"

Is it really terrifying to realize or imagine all of this being some of kind of waking dream? Slip into ego-grappling, dissociative post-rock with this contemplative track by the aptly named Bedroom with “I’m Afraid I’m Just a Dream”. Keeping us grounded is a lovely melody that runs throughout the composition, anchored with minimalist percussion and an eye towards the slightly melancholy. Perceptible electronic percussion skitters above the noise-floor while looped guitar passages ping-pong around each other. Fans of The American Dollar and The Album Leaf should take note.

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Aligned with a more straightforward ambient drone intro, the track slowly unfolds into gently arcing strings and swaying guitar lines mixed as animating forces beneath the song’s compositional structure before cresting and settling back down into the sea of swirling drones and ambient passages. Fans of braeyden jae and Eluvium Talk Amongst the Trees era will find plenty to sink deeply into.

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