Tome to the Weather Machine

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Cyrus Reynolds - "American Steppes"

A producer, composer and orchestrator for several large names, Cyrus Reynolds steps into his own with “American Steppes”. A contemplative and sober piano melody is buoyed up by strings that soar and lilt signaling the expansive skies of the American West. An oceanic breath tie the two elements together, reflecting a lifetime on the prairie. Of the track the press release states, “
American Steppes is inspired by the rolling Wyoming plains that lay in the shadow of giants; the great Rocky Mountains. I wanted to explore a feeling of big open sky, through a glacially slow folk melody, plucked out by the piano and slowly harmonized by the violins. The piece is held together by a subtle sensation of breathing, inhales and exhales felt by the giant mountains looming in the distance. The rest of the album often explores the musical possibility and relationship of noise to the scored instrumentation.”

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