Tome to the Weather Machine

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False Hope for the Savage - "Motherless Brooklyn"

The Welsh instrumental five piece play a sort of hopeful and, at times, pulverizing post-rock that you feel at a molecular level. Recorded as a snapshot of the band’s sound at the time “Motherless Brooklyn” by False Hope for the Savage combines the sounds of their musical north stars - Sigur Ros and And So I Watch You From Afar to juxtapose the clinical severity of ASIWYFA and the expansive moodiness of Sigur Ros. Of the track the group states, “The most important aspects of music for us are mood and atmosphere. We feel that each track conveys a unique feeling but that there is an overriding atmosphere that runs through the entire record. It is an album steeped in feelings of nostalgia, longing, solace and introspection. 

The album serves as a time capsule of how the band sounded at a certain point in time. The songs on the record continue to change and evolve through practice and performance to this day. It also serves as a signpost toward the future of the band. Whilst there is a link to the two EPs that preceded it, we feel it represents a significant departure in its sound and scope, providing an insight into the direction our music will move going forward. “

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