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Adriaan Swerts - "Distant Overtones"

Adriaan Swerts - "Distant Overtones"

Of the composition “Distant Overtones” the Belgian sound artist Adriaan Swerts states, “I recorded this track after having visited Iceland. I was amazed by how enormous the mountains and volcanoes were and how small they made me feel as a human being. This music features low drones made with a Minimoog and very much represents both my awe for the beauty of nature and the inherent danger that lies within its magnificent power.”

In “Distant Overtones” there is a significant amount of restraint - a gentle pull away from the literal danger that seems to always be lurking in the Icelandic air. These swooping sounds of softened noise and heavy ambiance are a perfect meditation on the intensity of the Icelandic landscape.

Dust Archive x Secret States - "SP#096 - yesterdaes"

Dust Archive x Secret States - "SP#096 - yesterdaes"

Just Milk - "Sometimes Drifting, Often Silent"

Just Milk - "Sometimes Drifting, Often Silent"