
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Andrew Cosentino - "Yé-yé"

Andrew Cosentino - "Yé-yé"

A song in multiple parts, "Yé-yé" by the Queens based guitarist and ambient artist has created a gentle pastiche of flowing passages connected by reverb-heavy guitar meditations, field recordings and a high ceiling of ambient drift that is utterly captivating. For fans of Scott Tuma, Dylan Golden Aycock, amparo or Lake Mary, Andrew Cosentino is a name to have nearby as you head out on autumn walks.

Demetrio Cecchitelli  - "Even If Backwards But Above"

Demetrio Cecchitelli - "Even If Backwards But Above"

brednotbred - "SWIM"

brednotbred - "SWIM"