
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Birds of Vyraj - "The Noun for Standing in Mist by a Haunted Tree"

Birds of Vyraj - "The Noun for Standing in Mist by a Haunted Tree"

The Hungarian ambient artist Tamás Sipos - whose bio informs us that besides music they love poetry, slavic culture and birds - has created a gorgeous ambient composition inspired by W. S. Merwin's poem called Losing Language. The track features arcing and sculpted tonal shifts and guitar lines put through a bevy of reverb and delay pedals to create something akin to mist floating through a low valley. Individual strands of clouds may stray but the entire mass continues with a slow, singular pace.

Lucas Stern - "Verona / Falling Through the Elevator Shaft"

Lucas Stern - "Verona / Falling Through the Elevator Shaft"

Outer Eden - "Dreaming an Ideal You"

Outer Eden - "Dreaming an Ideal You"