
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Erik Lankin - "Daedalus Requiem"

Erik Lankin - "Daedalus Requiem"

A stirring neo-classical composition that reimagines “the myth of Daedalus so that it was him and not Icarus who fell into the sea. Leaving Icarus alone, grieving and aloft on the broken wings he inherited. This song sings the passing of Daedalus into the underworld.” Soaring (and diving strings) eventually reach a crescendo with rolling pianos and rafter ascending melodies. Lovely work.  

Lachlan R. Dale - "Revealing a silver stream (featuring Bonniesongs & Joseph Rabjohns)"

Lachlan R. Dale - "Revealing a silver stream (featuring Bonniesongs & Joseph Rabjohns)"

Julia Thomsen - "Travelling Through Wonders (Rework)"

Julia Thomsen - "Travelling Through Wonders (Rework)"