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Low Altitude - "Waves"

Low Altitude - "Waves"

Using modular synthesizers and field recordings to create aural baths of drone, washes of ambient tides and stray, repeating melodies that peak through the lapping composition, “Waves” by the Manchester based artist Low Altitude is an invitation to settle into these sounds and release the anchor. Of the album, the press release states, “Over 11 tracks, featuring drones, synth washes with field recordings taken throughout 2021 in Suffolk, Sussex, Kent, Devon, Anglesey and Yorkshire, Waves evokes a sense of summertime and freedom against a backdrop of uncertainty and lockdown.” This kind of edgeless ambient work provides a bulwark against this uncertainty by delivering repeating sounds played out in harmonious minimalism.

Superpoze - "Geneva"

Superpoze - "Geneva"

Aerial2k - "Unseen Life"

Aerial2k - "Unseen Life"