
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Maddy Briggs - "At Bay"

Maddy Briggs - "At Bay"

There is an exquisite sense of pressure and release on “At Bay” by the Australia based Maddy Briggs. A rush of textured sound and a slow let off allowing us to hear all of the muted colors and pointillist melodic fragments rushing into one another. Composed using Max/MSP, the press release states, “Viewing sonic material as living and breathing rather than fixed, the track creates a completely different lush sound world than that used in the film. It was inspired by late night walks through Sydney bays and country towns in regional NSW.”

Harry Hudson - "Emotional Hangover"

Harry Hudson - "Emotional Hangover"

Scasca - "Glue (feat. Talipes Valgus)"

Scasca - "Glue (feat. Talipes Valgus)"