
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Olma - "Lee's Summit"

Olma - "Lee's Summit"

I really love this description of how Olma made the album Chamberlain in which the track “Lee’s Summit” is sourced from. “What was intended to be a simple, short walk listening to the final master recordings of an album led to several hours exploring hidden dirt paths in the woods, losing track of time and location. With it having rained in the morning, it was a colder-than-normal August afternoon, with hardly anyone else around, the forest floor thick with the scent of red pine. Sometimes the simplest of moments inadvertently turn into a unique, memorable experience. For Minnesota composer Chris Bartels, and his recording moniker Olma, this was all too befitting, as the experience so deeply resembled the natural progression of creating the album Chamberlain in his bedroom studio: simple intentions and small sounds leading to something unique, something rare - a glitchy, minimal, sometimes mysterious ambient guitar journey.”

This description is apt because of all things “Lee’s Summit” does love to wander a bit. A gentle melody played softly on a guitar and put through several pedals creates a lovely, delay-heavy, hypnagogic melody that slowly ebbs and flows into all kinds of new shapes and shades. Lovely work and a great metaphor for the creative process that attends this kind of internal world-building.

Aleesha Dibbs - "Battalion"

Aleesha Dibbs - "Battalion"

Hex Organ - "The Desert"

Hex Organ - "The Desert"