
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Alex Jasprizza - "Rain, Cockatoos, Crows"

Alex Jasprizza - "Rain, Cockatoos, Crows"

The tried and true method of combining field recordings with ambient music and improvised solo saxophone is on full display here with “rain, cockatoos, crows” from the Australian artist Alex Jasprizza who recorded this track and the rest of the album Interactions over a week-long period in Bouddi National Park on the Central Coast, NSW. “rain, cockatoos, crows” features the elements listed in the song along with swirling, soothing and at times explosive improvised saxophone work. Really lovely stuff.

ford. - "Tell Me (Anew)"

ford. - "Tell Me (Anew)"

Miracle Swill - "Center of the Octagon"

Miracle Swill - "Center of the Octagon"