
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Robert Nance - "Dawn Particle"

Robert Nance - "Dawn Particle"

Robert Nance presents Dawn Particle: a sonically immersive work that invites listeners to consider overlapping states of consciousness and blurred emotional lines. Combating the artist’s own need for clear emotional definition, the track acts as a prompt to float within a space of conflicting feelings and embrace the uncertainty. An organ calls, eliciting a feeling as though you’ve suddenly awoken in a church to the sunrise streaming through stained glass windows, and realize you’ve been in the cavernous building all night, but can’t remember why or how you got there. Pings and samples and the interplay of synthesizers all converge to create a tapestry of nostalgia and a choir of electronic memories

Cr&m - "Continue, Hope Spot &Mara"

Cr&m - "Continue, Hope Spot &Mara"