
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Alexis Ramirez - "Something Found"

Alexis Ramirez - "Something Found"

As a member of I Love You But I’ve Chosen Darkness, the Austin based Alexis Ramirez channeled a dark undercurrent to blackened Shoegaze. Under his own name the photographer and noise/experimental artist pushes these tendencies into new sonic directions. Utilizing noise-tinged drones, surging bass lines, disembodied vocals and distorted, rolling percussion - the end result is a composition that absolutely engulfs you if listened to loud enough and under the right circumstances. RIYL Tim Hecker, Dino Spiluttini, Lawrence English, Coil.

Prospector Sound - "Nord View"

Prospector Sound - "Nord View"

Jori Larres - "Counterparts"

Jori Larres - "Counterparts"