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Blood of Aza - Dreading What Began to breathe

Blood of Aza - Dreading What Began to breathe

The UK based artist Blood of Aza has created a wholly immersive and three-dimensional sound sculpture with “Dreading What Began to Breathe”. Conceptually focusing on “a sonic representation of the moment parasitoid wasp larvae emerges from the body of a caterpillar” we hear the moment the cocoon opens and the whole world rushes at you at once. All sensory perceptions are on all the time. Through whooshing slabs of sound to heavily spatial granular processing, “Dreading what Began to Breathe” achieves it’s aim of presenting a beautiful, but utterly overwhelming experience. Lovely work.

Poulson Sq. - "Slow Tide"

Poulson Sq. - "Slow Tide"

Blessed Are the Hearts that Bend - "Cactus"

Blessed Are the Hearts that Bend - "Cactus"