
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Cyrus Reynolds - "Folklore"

Cyrus Reynolds - "Folklore"

As a go to composer who has worked with Bon Iver and M83, Cyrus Reynolds brings his wide-lens approach towards composition to “Folklore” which the artist states was inspired by the, “darkly mystical, beautifully twisted mangrove forests of the American South, told through the lens of solo violins, string orchestra, mandolin and electronics. I wanted to capture the suspended magic of the hanging Spanish moss in the violin suspensions and flickers of light, narrated through with the melodic rattle of gnarled trunks and boughs.” It’s a sonorous but also tension building track that features droning strings, heavy piano lines that sound like they are coming up from the bottom of the ocean and bittersweet melodies floating on top.

John Swanke - "Rivers in the Sky"

John Swanke - "Rivers in the Sky"

Ann Annie - "Three Chords (feat. David Allred)"

Ann Annie - "Three Chords (feat. David Allred)"