
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Daniel McDermott - "I Can't See You (For Niall)"

Daniel McDermott - "I Can't See You (For Niall)"

An immensely beautiful and touching work, “I Can’t See You (For Niall)” by Daniel McDermott is a beautifully written and performed piece for piano, strings and electronics with absolutely stunning visual work by Lithuanian artist Rimas Sakalauskas. Icy tendrils unfurl against a black sky as strings and piano and distant electronic chatter coalesce into a momentary fragment of care that explore the cathartic charge that comes after processing a heavy loss. Incredible work.

Njordlyd - "Repressed / Dark Ride"

Njordlyd - "Repressed / Dark Ride"

Hologram Teen - "The Restless Cyclops"

Hologram Teen - "The Restless Cyclops"