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Deepriver - "Coastal"

Deepriver - "Coastal"

The collaborative South Africa / Sweden project Deepriver finds a sense of drift and purposeful deconstruction with “Coastal”. Heavily affected tape delay and distortion met with soaring melodies and submerged drones - the contrast on “Coastal” is a distinctive element that sets it apart from many other ambient compositions. According to the press release on the formation of the project, “Deepriver is the recently formed intercontinental project of South African, Cape Town-based Jason van Wyk and Swedish, Stockholm-based Joni Ljungqvist. Working together since 2009, mining the more introspective side of trance, this new direction finds the two experimenting with atmosphere and composition to maximal effect while recalling the sounds and nostalgia of electronic music from decades past.”

Alyas - "I heard you talking from the garden"

Alyas - "I heard you talking from the garden"

Eric Angelo Bessel - "Sunken Prism"

Eric Angelo Bessel - "Sunken Prism"