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East Forest - "Landscape"

East Forest - "Landscape"

In this incredibly exciting collaborative work between East Forest and Peter Broderick “Landscape” is an deeply resonant and heavily psychedelic dive into slow, hypnotic percussion, sweeping strings, melodic accordion and wavy drones. Peter Broderick is a long time favorite of ours and East Forest’s burst onto the ambient / experimental landscape is undeniable. According to the press release the album Burren is full of songs that “ended up being recorded with no pre-planning or prerehearsal, and every song appears on the album in the order it was created. The process felt as if the pair had corresponded for years, though they had never met in person — neither of them knew what might come of their collaboration, but as soon as they played the first notes, they felt an immediate musical kinship.” Of the track itself, the press release states, “East Forest worked meticulously on the timbre and production of all the various acoustic elements in the song, while Broderick wrote a poem based on their conversations the night before. The poem was then read by East Forest’s partner Radha, who was also present during this week of creativity.”

Recloser - "Deep End"

Recloser - "Deep End"

Twinsleep - "A Taste of Spring"

Twinsleep - "A Taste of Spring"