
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Isaac R - "Trappist One"

Isaac R - "Trappist One"

“Trappist One” shares a name with a planetary system 40 million light years away as well as a cloistered monastic tradition of Catholic monks - one of whose monasteries is just outside of Louisville, KY and housed one of the most famous Trappists - Thomas Merton. The French musician Isaac R. presents a lovely and evolving piece of ambient soundscapes that provide the right amount of reflection and peace to pursue an inner journey through these tranquil drones and reflective piano melodies throughout.

Rat Punch - "Palindrome"

Rat Punch - "Palindrome"

LeSonnar - "Promenade sous la mer"

LeSonnar - "Promenade sous la mer"