
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Missing Scenes - "lectreus"

Missing Scenes - "lectreus"

Written as a response to the full moon, R. Hunter’s ambient project Missing Scenes pushes a gorgeously desolate and distorted ambient composition from a chrysalis of moving drones to full-throated noise passages. Of the project Hunter states, “Commenting on the history behind the project, Hunter says: “As 2021 was coming to a close, I was on a walk late one night. It was nearly a full moon. An idea came to me as I looked up. Each month on the full moon in 2022 I will record one new piece of music. I will go out and create field recordings or work on piecing together the elements of a track. The idea grew from there…”.

Welcoming the completion of the full moon, “lectreus” by missing scenes is a beautiful way to get lost.

Réverbérations d’une crise A Sound Inquiry on the Housing Crisis in Montreal

Réverbérations d’une crise A Sound Inquiry on the Housing Crisis in Montreal

KillDry - "Neon Moon"

KillDry - "Neon Moon"