
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Moss Garden Sounds - "Ivory Tower"

Moss Garden Sounds - "Ivory Tower"

An aptly named project Moss Garden Sounds is the aural equivalent of the morning mist being burned off of a garden in the rising sunlight. A beautifully composed track that builds off of hazy and hopeful pads until it culminates into a soaring (as soaring gets in these ambient compositions) climax that brings in piano melodies and arcing strings. Lovely work.

Anchorsong - "Windmills (Remix by Salamanda)"

Anchorsong - "Windmills (Remix by Salamanda)"

Kayla Rosewater - "As Above, So Below"

Kayla Rosewater - "As Above, So Below"