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Nil Elses - "Two Squares / Aria Variation / Jema"

Nil Elses - "Two Squares / Aria Variation / Jema"

Hailing from Seattle, WA the forward thinking electronic artist Nil Elses brings us deconstructed dance music from liminal clubs at the edge of our perception. On “Two Squares” - the opener to the EP Quiet Invocations - the track opens as a “testament to Nil's experimental and electronic roots, showcasing a unique fusion of dance, electronic, and post-rock influences, all masterfully woven together.” with “Aria Variation” the track builds from a vocal sample that unfolds like origami in reverse, slowly enfolding into a compelling and driving electronic composition that builds with massive, organic percussion that builds the heart’s BPM. “Jema” features “neo-classical elements with electronic and ambient sounds, creating a compelling sonic atmosphere”. The melodic piano lines and stirring strings are met are eventually met with pulsing rhythmic line that brings the inherent melody of the track to the forefront, pushing everything forward with a linear purpose. Fans of the synth driven work of Kiasmos and Rival Consoles will find a new artist that delivers reliable ear-candy on track after track.

The Tilt - "The Tower"

The Tilt - "The Tower"

Joe Dworniak - "A Thoughtful Storm / It's Time to Go"

Joe Dworniak - "A Thoughtful Storm / It's Time to Go"