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Poulson Sq. - "Emanating Fields"

Poulson Sq. - "Emanating Fields"

Immersive and deep, “Emanating Fields” by the Netherlands based Poulson Sq. feels like a slow moving field of electrons slowly enveloping everything in its path. Charged drones, distorted bass lines and clean synth lines make up this thoughtful ambient composition. Of the track’s creation, Poulson Sq. states, “Emanating Fields is a result of a day-long session in our studio, into the dusk of winter. When we were playing our instruments in the dark, the atmosphere became denser and loaded with magic electricity. We had the feeling that our sounds were moving far beyond the walls of our studio, emanating into the night and covering the world in sonority.”

Shortwave Broadcaster - "Transporting Memories"

Shortwave Broadcaster - "Transporting Memories"

Lotte Pen - "Wanderer"

Lotte Pen - "Wanderer"