
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Raxxtar - "Afsos"

Raxxtar - "Afsos"

The India based Raxxtar has created a track that explores the “conflict between a nomadic lifestyle with detachments and traditional values of attachment.” Embodied in “Afsos” is a variety of modes of expression that all come together under a single banner - ambient music, post-rock and elements and heavily augmented, melancholic lyrics create a stirring and driving composition. Fans of artists like M83 or even Wicca Phase Springs Enteral will find a lot to love here.

mirrored fatality - "VALE"

mirrored fatality - "VALE"

Miley Gyros - "Hohenthurm"

Miley Gyros - "Hohenthurm"