
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Sidus - "Stage I: Rupture"

Sidus - "Stage I: Rupture"

A heavy AF post-rock track with out a single climax or power chord, the Athens Greece / Berlin group Sidus explores a journey deep into the human soul with crushing accuracy without resorting to a lot of the post-rock tropes the genre is known for. ‘Seismos’ is a three song album that explores and embraces the intensity of earthquakes, while correlating them with the unsettling feeling of panic attacks. These natural disasters are a breathtaking phenomenon and are born in the deep layers of the Earth’s crust. They release all tension and power on the surface. ‘Stage I: Rupture’ is the genesis of an earthquake / panic attack. Energy is being concentrated around a stress point, which will cause a rupture in the future. This energy concentration is usually a slow and almost undetectable process…

Penguin Cafe - "In Re Budd"

Penguin Cafe - "In Re Budd"

Pocket - "Crying at Supermac's"

Pocket - "Crying at Supermac's"