
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Sortlegeme - "Incubation Caves"

Sortlegeme - "Incubation Caves"

Danish electronic musician Sortlegeme (the solo moniker of Jeppe Dalsgaard Andersen) has created a track that “shifts lithely between nostalgia, disquiet and hope”. The looped melodies, deep bass hits and middle-distance field recordings and noise seem to accumulate and build at each pass, folding in new melodic structures and fragments at each resolution. “Incubation Caves” is an easy track to fall deeper and deeper into.

M Wagner - "Release Yrself"

M Wagner - "Release Yrself"

HK/SS - "Aware / Thrive"

HK/SS - "Aware / Thrive"