
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Swim Ignorant Fire - "I Don't Know How Much Longer I Can Hold This"

Leaning into some beautiful ambient country, floating drone work, Swim Ignorant Fire’s “I Don't Know How Much Longer I Can Hold This" pierces the vale with some nimbus pedal steel that sounds like morning fog being burnt away by the sun. The thing that really holds this together, and you don’t hear this often in an ambient composition, is the bass line. Sparse in the beginning and then opening into a simple yet profound presence later on. Recorded during the pandemic and dedicated to his grandmother with Alzheimer’s, “I Don't Know How Much Longer I Can Hold This" is a track to return to over and over.

Jean Gay - "I Didn't Recognize You"

Jean Gay - "I Didn't Recognize You"

Luke Kokoszka - "At The End Of The World, In The Desert Of Oblivion And Love"

Luke Kokoszka - "At The End Of The World, In The Desert Of Oblivion And Love"