
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Taylor Cohan - "I'm 33"

Not much factual information to go on for the electronic artist known as Taylor Cohan, but the crucified duck rising from the water hanging from a rotting cross is enough to pique our interest. The music contained is a curious and quite delicate blend of Huerco S. arpeggiated shimmering synth lines, plucky bass line at irregular intervals and washes of sanded drone that sound as if they’ve been run through a thousand processors at once. A broken, delicate song announcing to the world a birthday with special, numerological significance.

A.e.r.o x Unusual Cosmic Process - "Merdian"

A.e.r.o x Unusual Cosmic Process - "Merdian"

The Braided Rivers Band - "Voayger"