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The Dark Jazz Project - "Maker"

The Dark Jazz Project - "Maker"

Taken from the massive, sprawling 2 hour + album Dead King, “Maker” from the UK based The Dark Jazz Project follows an idiosyncratic pattern. A Driving bass line underpins a plunderphonic symphonic sample while the weirdening of the percussive elements continue to accrue until the track turns into total rhythm fucked IDM workout that sends breakbeats through a dizzying amount of processes until it becomes a deeply satisfying free / out experimental electronic composition. Of the album the press release states, “Choc-a-block with musical ideas, with rhythms and textures that lurch unpredictably from chaos to ear-splitting jazz noise. And yet, through it all, the band always retains a musical honesty at its heart.  Loosely formulated around a Play, written by Andrew Spackman, in 3 Acts called "DEAD KING". A story, which follows a medieval king who finds himself caught in a time paradox after discovering a magical creature with endless energy-giving qualities.“

Tiny Leaves - "Campanula Rotundifolia"

Tiny Leaves - "Campanula Rotundifolia"

Kilometre Club - "Moving Mountains"

Kilometre Club - "Moving Mountains"