
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Tony Dimitrov - "The Myth of the Machine"

Tony Dimitrov - "The Myth of the Machine"

The Macedonian “multimedia artist, cultural producer, radio host, communicologist, organizer, curator, label owner, mountain/rock climber, and nature lover” takes us on a trip to the other side of the rainbow with the excellently paced “The Myth of the Machine”. Like the cover, these sounds seem familiar at first but then become more and more refracted as they travel from the source. Drones are softened and melodic phrasings are repeated and mutated, birds sing in the middle distance, waves of static crash further out. Lovely work.

Rival Consoles - "Coda"

Rival Consoles - "Coda"

Negative Field - "Stack V"

Negative Field - "Stack V"