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Yarck - "Nocturnal Bloom"

Yarck - "Nocturnal Bloom"

Conjuring elements of ambient dub pioneers Basic Channel and The Orb, the Amsterdam-based artist Yarck creates an audio field full of slightly menacing bass line, intricate and engaging percussive elements and field recordings warped and weft in strange and distorted ways. Woozy but not teetering, “Nocturnal Bloom” delivers in some unexpected ways. Of the track the artist states, “…in the tender embrace of shadows…like an unusual flower unfurling its delicate petals in the hush of night…a botanical defying the sun's touch…echoing the journey of growth that often thrives in adversity's shade…”

Credit Electric - "House of Cancer"

Credit Electric - "House of Cancer"

Josh Semans - "In Shafts of Dust & Light"

Josh Semans - "In Shafts of Dust & Light"