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Foam and Sand - "Circle 35 (feat. Stewart Cole)"

Foam and Sand - "Circle 35 (feat. Stewart Cole)"

Foam and Sand is the newest ambient / post-classical project by Robot Koch. According to the press release, “as Foam and Sand, Robot Koch has charted a thrilling new path in what has already been an accomplished career in the ever-changing world of electronic music. His second full-length and first for Nettwerk is a masterwork in ambient textures and sounds, bursting with emotive swells and lush sonics at every turn. It takes someone with precise touch and keen intuition to make ambient music that moves you, and Koch has indeed accomplished that goal and more with this record, cementing the project as an exciting new prospect in the world of ambient overall.”

Featuring the trumpet work of Stewart Cole the work slides nicely between comparisons to Jon Hassell, Joseph Shabason and the worn ambient works of AMULETS.

Christian Wittman - "Manhattan"

Christian Wittman - "Manhattan"

oplen - "svæpha"

oplen - "svæpha"