
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Gregory Paul Mineeff - "Descending Isolation"

Gregory Paul Mineeff - "Descending Isolation"

The Wollongong, Australia based artist and composer Gregory Paul Mineeff has created a compelling and tension-ratcheting composition with “Descending Isolation” to accompany your morning coffee. Using an array of analog synthesizers and modern composition touches, Gregory Paul Mineeff allows “Descending Isolation” to reach cinematic levels of quiet intensity. Each arpeggio and surging drone takes the composition into heightened states of zoned out bliss.

Desolate Horizons - "More Than Anything (Remix by Fletcher Reed)"

Desolate Horizons - "More Than Anything (Remix by Fletcher Reed)"

Secret Shame - "Hide"

Secret Shame - "Hide"