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JSDavani - "A.) Brief 2.) Breathe / The Way to Waiting"

JSDavani - "A.) Brief 2.) Breathe / The Way to Waiting"

JSDavani creates oneiric music created out of everyday sounds. A strange type of sensory misalignment when time and reality slip just slightly out of joint. Points of reference feel a bit fuzzy as if being communicated through a veil. On “A.) Brief 2.) Breathe” sounds that surround JSDavani seem to be recorded and played back through a refracted lens: children babbling, a basketball bouncing - all of these are held sway under heavy, oscillating chords put through an underwater flanger effect. Fans of artists like Basic Channel or The Orb will find a lot of purchase here. The more inherently musical “The Way to Waiting” finds more harmonious chords being pulled through the door of our consciousness through a keyhole. Possibly the more actual dream-like composition, melodies flow in and out from one another like the crashing of nervous waves. Distant percussion thunders somewhere in the middle distance. The term Lynchian seems to work really well here.

Trio Ramberget - "November"

Trio Ramberget - "November"

Olma - "Minutes for the Moon"

Olma - "Minutes for the Moon"