
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Trio Ramberget - "November"

Trio Ramberget - "November"

Recorded in a water cistern in Gothenburg in 2017. The Swedish Trio Ramberget utilizes the cisterns natural reverb to create a towering composition with “November” that sounds at once immediate and intimate as it does otherworldly and distant - the reverb creating a ghostly effect. The trio utilize bass clarinet, trombone and double bass to create a wholly unique sound that seems to float in from the rafters like ancient dust. Fans of Kalia Vandever’s 2023 album and Sam Gendel’s sax work will find a lot to love here.

Ose - "First Matter"

Ose - "First Matter"

JSDavani - "A.) Brief 2.) Breathe / The Way to Waiting"

JSDavani - "A.) Brief 2.) Breathe / The Way to Waiting"