
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Kate Kato - "Viljandi, October 8, 2022"

Kate Kato - "Viljandi, October 8, 2022"

Kate Kato’s work is truly something special. Long stretches of silence can sound uncanny in our incredibly noisy world. By removing what Kato determines as “extraneous” tracks like “October 2022” allow for quiet reflection and unexpected variations to jump out. According to Kato, “My music is small, quiet and private. It reflects the Japanese aesthetic that I'm proud of.

My biggest interest is "groove" and our traditional concept "Ma". Most of my work is carefully removing extraneous sounds and fine-tuning the position of what remains.

I want to leave to my children what I think is beautiful. But there is very little I can do. I just help my music to work barely.’ Love it.

Neighborhood Libraries - "Sunset at New Brighton"

Dolorum & Einerlei - "Morrois (Assisi)"

Dolorum & Einerlei - "Morrois (Assisi)"