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Kilometre Club - "Becker's"

Kilometre Club - "Becker's"

Often Hauntolgical works are characterized by nostalgia for a past that doesn’t exist. “Memory Canvas” on the other hand is a “lush, textured ambient soundscapes meant to evoke nostalgia for the past, with tracks named after defunct retail businesses from around Toronto from the 1980s to 2000s.” This nostalgia for a time that seems so recent seems to track with the ever-increasing pace of life and the dynamic quickening that occurs with it. “Becker’s” is a wondering piece of cosmic, heady ambience that evokes deep nostalgia as well through it’s shining pads and deeply buried and resonant low end.



Brendan Eder Ensemble - "#3 (Rhubarb) (Aphex Twin Cover)"

Brendan Eder Ensemble - "#3 (Rhubarb) (Aphex Twin Cover)"