
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

P. Fusco - "Loop I - 'a Rough, Doric Calm."

P. Fusco - "Loop I - 'a Rough, Doric Calm."

These loping, blunted loops of guitar are an incredible and uncanny peek into a process that accrues meaning at each pass. There’s an utterly compelling and unhurried approach to these melodies that feel unrushed, melting slightly into the afternoon humidity of an un-airconditioned apartment in Brooklyn. According to the press release, “with a background in classical music, his work focuses on looping, layering and process. Warm guitar tones and field recordings mix together to make soundscapes that are personal, contemplative, expansive and slightly uneasy. P. Fusco's debut EP, 5 Loops for Summer, was recording NYC and features field recordings taken in Upstate New York as well as Seoul, South Korea.”

McKenzie Stubbert - "Err"

McKenzie Stubbert - "Err"

Justin Robinson - "Morning Pearl"

Justin Robinson - "Morning Pearl"