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Samantha - "Purple Skies"

Samantha - "Purple Skies"

The utilitarian and healing possibilities of ambient music are ones that we are just starting to tap into. “Purple Skies” by Samantha is a beautifully resonant and structured ambient composition that forks into beautiful strands of melody from the warm sea bed of drone. According to the press release, “Samatha is the ambient moniker of Belgian doctor and amateur photographer Gert Stockmans. His music focusses on creating a mood for introspection through slowing down. Hence the name, Samatha, the Sanskrit term for tranquility of the mind. 

Samatha: calmness, concentration and unity. The layered soundscapes form a musical landscape that unfolds patiently and draws you into its world almost unnoticeable.”

Infinite Drift - "Mist"

McKenzie Stubbert - "Err"

McKenzie Stubbert - "Err"