
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Storms Seventy - "107"

Storms Seventy - "107"

“107” from Storms Seventy is the kind of textural, granular processed guitar creating chittering, intermittent signals from a beautiful and uneasy noise bed that I really love. Minor chord ambience create an inner illumination that never quite overcomes the track but creates a spectral light that glows faintly. Some nice comparisons to Lawrence English, M. Sage and Padang Food Tigers are apt. Lovely work here.

Brendan Eder Ensemble - "#3 (Rhubarb) (Aphex Twin Cover)"

Brendan Eder Ensemble - "#3 (Rhubarb) (Aphex Twin Cover)"

Tettix Hexer - "Supernova in Your Eyes"

Tettix Hexer - "Supernova in Your Eyes"