
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

the binary marketing show - "weather balloon"

the binary marketing show - "weather balloon"

Existing as a bit of anomaly in the world of cut-and-paste sounds, the duo The Binary Marketing Show have cut a name for themselves by creating these interesting and idiosyncratic indie pop songs using a wide array of found sounds, homemade electronic instruments, synths, and bass VI to compose them. On “Weather Balloon” the first track off of Somehow We’ll Grow Into Some Overlapping Oak on Antiquated Future Records the duo’s beats, delay, and some synth tones were created with a homemade Arduino-based instrument called the "mellotronium" and the track ponders “gaining perspective and the unfolding of time.”. Appropriate as this track came from a collection of songs written between 2007 and 2022, expanding the group’s ever expanding catalog of heady excursions into the subconcious.

Radar 5:11 - "Hopes of Tomorrow"

Radar 5:11 - "Hopes of Tomorrow"

Signal Quartet  - "Slow Brew"

Signal Quartet - "Slow Brew"