
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Aaronson - "The Great Swells That Carry Us Will Pull Us Under"

Aaronson - "The Great Swells That Carry Us Will Pull Us Under"

Aaronson - The South Wales post-rock band approach us with "The Great Swells That Carry Us Will Pull Us Under" - a track that doesn’t let it’s foot off the gas as soon as the song starts. Soaring guitar melodies, pummeling percussion, dips and valleys that explode like fireworks from a bonfire. "The Great Swells That Carry Us Will Pull Us Under" pervasive dynamics take the listener through several revelatory destinations, never quite arriving.

Eric Angelo Bessel - "Sunken Prism"

Eric Angelo Bessel - "Sunken Prism"

Metropolitan Project - "Nor'easter"

Metropolitan Project - "Nor'easter"