
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!



Blending 20th century avant-garde with Shoegaze aesthetics and the influence of living in the Sunbaked, totally fried state of Texas (with respect to the deep weirdos from there) , FiRES WERE SHOT is an oozing and bleeding noisescape of two artists using their guitars like chisels and sandpaper respectively. Tiny melodies punch holes in the just-in-the-red looping melodies of the duo, creating a multi-layered , dense approach to noisy ambient music. Of the duo the press release states, “Applying Walton’s education in classical guitar with Wilkins’ experience in shoegaze and post-rock bands, FiRES WERE SHOT began constructing unconventional songs fundamentally rooted in the traditional. Their sound became defined by radiating hints of folk and bluegrass processed and looped through heavy delay, developing layers of depth within cascading cycles of melodic progressions. Skillfully orchestrating everything from delicate pad swells to thick percussion”

Taylor Deupree - "Eev"

Taylor Deupree - "Eev"

Cyrus Reynolds - "American Steppes"

Cyrus Reynolds - "American Steppes"