
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Akiyoshi Yasuda - "Nobody Knows"

Akiyoshi Yasuda - "Nobody Knows"

Stepping back from the Star Guitar dance moniker, Japan based Akiyoshi Yasuda creates beautifully personal neo-classical work with his Memento album series. With “Nobody Knows” Yasuda creates some beautifully evolving work from a simple piano melody and subtle electronic flourishes that eventually grow to inhabit entire rooms of sound just by the hanging reverb in the air. Lovely work.

Brendan Eder Ensemble - "Pure (Ride the World)"

Brendan Eder Ensemble - "Pure (Ride the World)"

Hanging Valleys - "Pistol Shrimp"

Hanging Valleys - "Pistol Shrimp"