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Arswain - "Depart"

Arswain - "Depart"

“Depart” by the artist Arswain is an unbelievably lush and gracious piece of ambient electronic music. Heavy delay on the main melodic measure keep the sounds ricocheting from ear to ear while pure audio candy bubbles and fragments of sound run riot somewhere in the middle distance. “Depart” by Arswain was, as the artist states, “is my 'pandemic piece.' When the pandemic began I expected I'd experience an outpouring of creativity, but what took place instead was a total malaise, total lack of inspiration. And it's weird because, historically speaking, major global events have spurned some of the greatest art ever made, and yet the pandemic felt different. It felt so unromanticized, so dull and fruitless, perhaps in part because illness is a hidden, inward experience, not so much an outward one like war. So I wanted to explore this disconnectedness I felt to such a serious issue. 'Depart' very much leans into that malaise, that inwardness that the pandemic forced upon so many people."

The stunning slowmotion video of a constant zoom out was produced by IndexThumb and seems to personify this malaise spoken of by Arswain. Incredible work.

Omar Raafat - "Drifting"

Omar Raafat - "Drifting"

Javier Torrealba - "Uneven"

Javier Torrealba - "Uneven"