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Croptal - "Variation VIII, Finale"

Croptal - "Variation VIII, Finale"

A beautifully varied composition that holds modes of expression as well as multi-faceted emotions in one container, “Variation VIII, Finale” by the Israeli composer Croptal moves from electronic beds of ambient drones, to soaring neo-classical work and back again. Similar to some of the latter Sarah Davachi records, Croptal finds himself in the vortex of many worlds - finding a path through towards an opening in the sky. “Finale” is the the last track of the album, Croptal really puts a period on a beautifully through through record.

Yair Cohen - "Blue Divided by Blue"

Yair Cohen - "Blue Divided by Blue"

Anchorsong - "Windmills (Remix by Salamanda)"

Anchorsong - "Windmills (Remix by Salamanda)"